Endow Blaze

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Needs proper Skill Icon Endow Blaze
No Image Info.gif
Type: Supportive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 40
Cast Time: 3 seconds
Duration: 20/30 minutes
Target: Self or Party member
Range: 9 cells
Catalyst: 1 Red Blood
Status Icon: Berkas:I EndowBlaze.png
(Mage) Fire Bolt Lv. 1, (Sage) Study Lv. 5

Endow Blaze (Alt: Flame Launcher) is a 2nd class supportive skill available as Sage and Scholar.


Attempts to endow a single target's weapon with the Fire property temporarily. If this skill fails, the target's weapon will be de-equipped. Each cast consumes a Red Blood.

Level Chance of Effect Duration
1 70% 20m
2 80%
3 90%
4 100%
5 30m


  • Despite what the ingame description as well as the main Ragnarok Online website may say, failing to endow does not break or damage the target's weapon. All it does is de-equip the weapon. This means that on a battle build, Level 1 endow is enough for self endows.


Bestowed from

  • Magma Fist - Level 5; Autocast on self when attacking

Sage & Scholar
2nd Class
Cast Cancel • Create Elemental Converter • Deluge • Dispell • Dragonology • Earth Spike • Elemental Change • Endow Blaze • Endow Tornado • Endow Tsunami • Endow Quake • Free Cast • Heaven's Drive • Hindsight • Hocus-pocus • Magic Rod • Magnetic Earth • Sense • Spell Breaker • Study • Volcano • Whirlwind
Blinding Mist • Double Bolt • Fiber Lock • Foresight • Indulge • Mind Breaker • Soul Exhale • Soul Siphon
Quests Sage Job Change Guide • Sage Skill Quest • Rebirth Walkthrough
Weapons Book • Rod