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Needs proper Skill Icon Eswoo
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Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 7
SP Cost: 85 - (Skill Level * 10)
Cast Time: 0.1 second
Cast Delay: 0.5 second
Duration: (Skill Level) seconds
Target: Monster
(Soul Linker) Priest Spirit Lv. 1


Temporarily shrink a monster to reduce its Movement Speed. Boss monsters will only be shrunk for 1/5th of the normal skill duration. If this skill is cast on a monster that is already shrunken, the caster will be inflicted by the Stun status and the targeted monster will recover from Shrunken status more quickly.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Duration (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SP Cost 75 65 55 45 35 25 15
Soul Linker
Skills Spirit Link Skills 1st Transcendent Spirit • Alchemist Spirit • Assassin Spirit • Bard and Dancer Spirits • Blacksmith Spirit • Crusader Spirit • Fist Master Spirit • Hunter Spirit • Knight Spirit • Monk Spirit • Priest Spirit • Rogue Spirit • Sage Spirit • Soul Linker Spirit • Super Novice Spirit • Wizard Spirit
Ka Skills Kaahi • Kaina • Kaite • Kaizel • Kaupe
Es Skills Eska • Eske • Esma • Estin • Estun • Eswoo
Quests Soul Linker Job Change Guide
Weapons Dagger • Rod