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Type: Supportive Skill
Levels: 7
SP Cost: 70
Cast Time: 6.5 - (Skill Level *.5) seconds
Target: Soul Linkers, Spouse, Child
(Soul Linker) Wizard Spirit Lv. 1


Reflect most magic spells back at the original caster. Reflected Healing spells will not heal the original caster. The magic spells of monsters above level 80 or boss monsters cannot be reflected, although this skill has a 100% chance of reflecting spells from other players regardless of level. Does not stack with High Priest's Assumptio but works with Kyrie Eleison and Kaupe.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cast Time (sec) 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
Reflect # 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
Duration (min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 10
Soul Linker
Skills Spirit Link Skills 1st Transcendent Spirit • Alchemist Spirit • Assassin Spirit • Bard and Dancer Spirits • Blacksmith Spirit • Crusader Spirit • Fist Master Spirit • Hunter Spirit • Knight Spirit • Monk Spirit • Priest Spirit • Rogue Spirit • Sage Spirit • Soul Linker Spirit • Super Novice Spirit • Wizard Spirit
Ka Skills Kaahi • Kaina • Kaite • Kaizel • Kaupe
Es Skills Eska • Eske • Esma • Estin • Estun • Eswoo
Quests Soul Linker Job Change Guide
Weapons Dagger • Rod